#OpenExpoDay, a space for the exchange of free knowledge
Last June 26th iXiam participated in OpenExpo Day Madrid, one of the biggest events of Free and Open Source Software celebrated this year.
We represented CiviCRM with a small booth (a table with a rollup) in the networking section. We started the day presenting CiviCRM to an audiende of 20+. It was the first session of the day and we presented an overview of CiviCRM also with an interactive demo. The audience was a mix of people from Non Profits, Charities, Foundations, Political Parties and other Third Sector organizations.

Some people approached us in the networking section with very interesting questions. We also presented our CiviCRM as a Service platform, Civi-Go, which gives the oportunity to any organization of any size to start using CiviCRM with a turnkey solution.

We were invited to the specific Open Source CRM roundtable where we shared experiences with SugarCRM and vTiger.
At the end of the day we also participated in the first Community Leadership Summit held in Spain. This was a very enlightening session about community management and metrics. The session was led by Bitergia and we shares experiences with Christian Müler from Typo3.