On the 29th of January, more than 100 projects got together in Madrid and Barcelona to learn about the advantages of this free open source CRM.
- Organising contacts, associates doners and voluntaries
- Register all activities related to:
- Massive sending of emails, newsletters and notices
- Management of associates and memenbers
- Creation of online contribution websites.
- Integration with the web (Drupal, Joomla and WordPress)
- Viewing data through reports
- Management of events
- Management of volunteers
CiviDay Madrid
Carlos Capote (Amnesty) and Pablo Sullivan (Movimiento por la Paz) organized CiviDay in Madrid. Thanks to them, more than 60 people had the chance to enjoy this event.
CiviCRM working group in Madrid
Thanks to Carlos Capote’s (Amnistía Internacional) and Pablo Sullivan’s (Movimiento por la Paz) a CiviCRM work group has been created in Medialab-Prado, Madrid. This work group will have monthly reunions to learn, share experiences and answer questions about CiviCRM
For more information: http://medialab-prado.es/article/grupocivicrm
CiviDay Barcelona
Here you can watch the presentations given in both cities.
Online repercussions
- Vicky Bolaños from RTVE wrote an excellent article about CiviDay in rtve.es. You can access the article here.
- Olga Berrios from Masticable drew this great chronicle.
New CiviCRM hosting service: Civi-Go
iXiam presented during CiviDay its new CiviCRM hosting sevice: Civi-Go
If you missed the event but are interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re at your disposal to offer you a demo and explain the functionalities of this CRM.