iXiam CiviCRM Partner

iXiam is a proud
CiviCRM Gold Partner

Civicrm contact summary screen using the shoreditch theme

Our team has more than 13 years of experience implementing CiviCRM in a wide range of projects and sectors. We are official CiviCRM Gold Partners actively supporting the number one open source CRM for nonprofits. We provide the following services:

Some of our Clients

Our Systems Manage


Contributions and Development

We are also very active in the CiviCRM community, resolving bug fixes, improving the core software and organizing events. Our team has developed / funded the following public extensions:

ReportPlus extends the default CiviCRM Form’s Framework adding new features
Provides automated calculations based on user-defined MySQL queries and then store the results on user-defined custom fields
RedSys Payment Processor
This is a Payment Processor for Spain’s Payment Gateway called Redsys
Image Crop
This extension make it possible to crop and scale image fields in CiviCRM.
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Country Manager
Administration interface for CiviCRM world regions, countries and states
Cron Plus
Cron Plus adds new features to the Schedule Jobs. It can be set the exactly date / time when a job must be executed
Option Value Importer
Options Importer Extension allows you to import automatically custom field’s options within a CSV file, also you can Delete all options in a custom field with only one click.
Kint Library
Once the libray is installed, printout functions are available for debugging your CiviCRM extensions
Ui configuration for purging logs in civicrm
Purge Logs
Purge Logs is a configurable API Job, to remove files older than a defined timeframe. The focus is to get rid of old rotated CiviCRM.*.log files, but it can be applied to other files.
Mercado Pago Payment Processor
This is a Mercado Pago Payment Processor for CiviCRM
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Email Viewer
Properly enable email viewing on development sites by redirecting to database without hampering CiviCRM functionality
Hierarchical ACL
This extension implements custom ACLs, using a Hierarchical structure based on relationships among contacts
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This extension is utilizing Summernote which is a (relatively) new lightweight (js+css: ~100Kb) WYSIWYG editor library, available as a drop-in replacement for CKEditor4/5 in CiviCRM.
Rfm analysis donor clusters
RFM Analysis
Based on the analysis of Recency, Frequency and Monetary. This segmentation by clusters will allow you to identify what type of donors the organization has and its evolution.

In 2019 we organized and sponsored the first Global Community Summit in Barcelona with attendees from all over the world including CiviCRM Core Team Members.

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